
Managing Team
Mr. Peng, Yuguo (彭玉国)

Mr. Peng, Yuguo (彭玉国)


aged [49], is the founder of the Group. He was appointed as the chief executive officer of our Company and an executive Director on September 2, 2010. Mr. Peng is primarily responsible for formulating overall strategy and making major management decisions of our Group. From [·] 1979 to [·] 1983, Mr. Peng worked at the Fengjie County Baidi Town Local Enterprises Office (奉节县白帝镇企业办公室) as an accounting clerk. From [·] 1983 to [·] 1990, he worked as an accounting manager and deputy mayor in the local government department of Baima Village, Fengjie County (奉节县白马乡) in the PRC, where he was responsible for its financial management. From [·] 1990 to [·] 1994, Mr. Peng worked as the director of the Fengjie County Baidi Town Local Enterprises Office (奉节县白帝镇企业办公室), where he was responsible for overseeing its corporate management. From [·] 1994 to [·] 2000, Mr. Peng worked as the deputy director of the Fengjie County People's Congress Committee Office (奉节县人大常委会办公室), where he was responsible of its trading management. In [·] 2001, Mr. Peng was appointed as the chairman of the board and the general manager of Guoping Industrial, and in April 2002, he and other parties established Guoping Trading, which was acquired by Heijin Industrial in 2010.

Mr. Peng obtained a bachelor's degree in Architectural Engineering from Chongqing Construction Engineering College (重庆建筑工程学院) (currently known as Chongqing Jianzhu University (重庆建筑大学)) in 1988. Mr. Peng obtained a bachelor's degree in Economic Management and a master's degree in Information Technology and Management, respectively, in 1999 and 2001 from Chongqing University (重庆大学). In 2010, Mr. Peng completed the capital strategic training course for directors (资本战略董事长研修班) held by the continuing education college of Tsinghua University (清华大学继续教育学院).

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