
Managing Team
Mr. Ou, Jun (欧军)

Mr. Ou, Jun (欧军)


aged [41], was appointed as an executive Director on July 7, 2011. Mr. Ou has more than 20 years of operational knowledge that covers both the corporate and technical aspects of the coal mining industry and is primarily responsible for overseeing the logistics and transportation operations for the Caotang Mine and Heiwan Mine. From November 1991 to May 2002, Mr. Ou worked as the head of the Anqing office and a manager of Qiaoxing Coal Resource Development Co., Ltd. (侨星煤业资源开发有限公司). From June 2002 to December 2002, Mr. Ou worked at Guoping Industrial as an assistant to the general manager. Since January 2003, he has become the legal representative and the manager of Guoping Logistics, where he is responsible for overseeing the logistics and transportation operations for the Caotang Mine and Heiwan Mine.

Mr. Ou received a bachelor's degree in Economic Management from Chongqing Institute of Commerce (重庆商学院) (currently known as Chongqing Technology and Business University (重庆工商大学)) in 1991 and a master's degree in Economic Management from Southwest University (西南大学) in 2005.

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