
Managing Team
Mr. Peng, Yijiang (彭易江)

Mr. Peng, Yijiang (彭易江)


aged [40], is our deputy general manager in enterprise management and is primarily responsible for assisting the chief executive officer of our Company in business development and on new projects. In July 1992, he joined the civil service in the PRC working as a secondary school teacher in the Fengjie County until November 1993. From December 1993 to December 1999, he was assigned to work as a salesperson at Fengjie County Township Enterprise Company (奉节县乡镇企业公司), a state owned enterprise in the PRC, where he was responsible for the sales of coal. Mr. Peng, Yijiang worked as an assistant manager in Qiaoxing Coal Resources Development Co., Ltd. (侨星煤业资源开发有限公司) from January 2000 to January 2002, and worked as a manager in Guoping Trading from February 2002 to December 2007, when he was responsible for managing the production and sales of coal. From January 2008 to February 2011, he was the deputy general manager of Guoping Industrial, where he was mainly responsible for the sales, production, logistics and transportation of its coal trading business. Since May 2004, Mr. Peng, Yijiang has joined our Group as the director and legal representative of Guoping Trading.

Mr. Peng received a college diploma in Physical Education from Sichuan Fuling Teacher's College (四川涪陵师范专科学校) in 1992.

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